Thursday, May 31, 2007

Moking Money on The Internet

Internet Money Making WorldI
I am new to the blogging industry. I work as a registered nurse in South Dakota, but I do like to earn some extra cash at home in my spare time. I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog that gives people the opportunity to make some extra money through some simple sites that require no money to join. I do not make thousands of dollars as many fake, rediculous sites say that a person will. I do, however, make some good extra cash that allows me to pay some extra bills, put a little in savings, and take my family places just giving my opinion and writing some articles and poetry. I have included links to my favorite sights as well as some poetry that I have written recently thank you for reading.

If you enjoy writing in your spare time, this site offers good money for anyone that wants to write articles, poems, news or anything else, and you even get to set your own price, and the site gives a great guide to setting prices. So if you have a special ability to write, why no get pain for it.
Constant Content

This is possibly the best free survey site that there is. I usually get 3-4 surveys a week and I get pain $20 a piece for 20-30 minute survey. It is not a ton of money, but it is something that can earn some extra cash for giving a true opinion and clicking some buttons.

Here some more great survey sites:

Brand Institute
Global Test Market

Greenfield Online
Clearvoice Surveys

Another great site for submitting article on any topic that you want to write. Giving a person the ability to write anything that they want and earn good money doing it.
Join Associated Content

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